
Swati Nair
Being an Indian, I have a lot of things that I can relate to in Ireland. The tricolor flag and the fight for freedom from the British being two of them. Naturally, I was thrilled when I was offered an advance copy of Marita Conlon-McKenna’s Rebel Sisters by TLC Book Tours to review (thanks for that!)....
Sometime back I remember reading about netsukes. Drawn by their intricate carvings and plethora of depictions, I remember thinking how I would love to have one of them. The word ‘netsuke’ itself is derived from the Japanese characters “ne” and “tsuke” meaning root and attach respectively. This is what Chibi, the titular cat in Takashi...
Day three began a little late as everyone slept in after the festivities of the night before. But we were aware that this was our last chance to see a bit more of the sights that the French countryside had to offer, and we quickly finished breakfast as soon as everyone woke up. The plan...
The next morning dawned nice and bright but everybody woke up a bit late, exhausted from the previous day’s travels. A weak but warm sun was peeking out and we basked in its rays for a little while on the wooden deck overlooking the river. The only sounds we could hear were of its gurgling...
“Vigeois? Where is it? “Near Bordeaux.” “I am from Bordeaux, and I have never heard of it!” “Oh… We are just going to attend a friend’s wedding” “That’s good. There’s nothing to see in such a small place!” That was the encouraging conversation I had with the visa officer when I went to get a...
There are books that remain with you long after you have read it. Hanya Yanagihara’s “A Little Life” for instance; a book whose characters remained with me like shadowy bedfellows for the next few days. Then there are books that you think should ideally linger with you because they deal with human suffering and important...
Dublin is the city of many literary greats. James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, Oscar Wilde, Patrick Kavanagh, and Samuel Beckett to name a few. And the City Council has ensured that evidence of their lives and works can be found in forms varying from the quirky to the quaint across Dublin.This little bronze plaque embossed with...
I have always been interested in reading the stories of immigrants. Not the ones that concern unemployment woes or social stigma, which we encounter by and large on a daily basis in the form of news. I do read those as well, of course. But I am more fascinated by the stories of people who...
It was the eve of St. Patrick’s Day here in Dublin. There was a buzz in the air as it was the beginning of a long weekend. Pubs were overflowing, more than usual, with people and drink. Hordes of tourists descend on the city every year to witness the colourful, week-long celebrations for Paddy’s Day....
Writing a book is not as easy as an accomplished writer makes it out to be. Months of research, sometimes years, combined with an eye for detail and a knack for personalizing stories in lucid language certainly form the foundations of good writing. This is what I was thinking as I flipped the last page...
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