
picture a day
I am not proud of the quality of this photo. But I chose it because of the thought that arose when I saw it waving in the light, balmy breeze. No individual is made up of a single colour. We all have the green of envy, the blues of melancholy, the red of anger, the...
Ever since I swapped my Samsung S3 for my current Sony Xperia I have been unhappy with the quality of the macro shots that its camera takes. While the Samsung was able to get really up close to an object, and snap sharp images, the Sony goes completely out of focus beyond a certain point....
Sunrises and sunsets are two of the most common occurrences that we take for granted. What’s so different every day, you may ask. For me, it’s the very fact that I get to see one every day. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard, ” said Winnie the Pooh....
The house I visited today had a small area allocated to the Brahma Rakshas. While I had heard of it, I wasn’t really sure of what a Brahma Rakshas was. But this little raised platform surrounded by a thick grove fascinated me. The place around it was somehow atmospheric. It wore a desolate but well-kept...
A nest hangs just outside the window of the front room. Its residents are two tiny sunbirds waiting for their parents to come with food. I stood watching in the mellow morning sun as the young ones waited patiently, and the father, in all his resplendent colours came fluttering with food in his mouth. He...
The first thing that came to my mind with today’s theme was not the ailment but the weather. Being in Dublin, cold is not just the weather but almost the voice in your head. It chills your skin and touches you to the bone. But despite being so cold it doesn’t snow. Sometimes I wish...

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Wonderer. Wanderer. Welcome to my blog about books, movies, tv series, travel, and well… everything else that catches my fancy 🙂

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