I couldn’t think beyond coffee for today’s theme. Mugs of hot chocolate and glasses of mulled wine did swirl around for a short while but I kept returning to coffee. Maybe because coffee is akin to comfort for me. From the time I can remember, I have woken up to the smell of fresh filter...
Here I am with my book review of 2018, as promised, and I couldn’t have got a better book to begin with than Katherine Arden’s “The Bear and the Nightingale.” I am not one for fantasy or science fiction but I have promised myself that I will move beyond my beloved go-to’s like literary fiction....
For today’s theme, I didn’t want to take a picture of the usual fruits or multi-grain foods or running shoes. Or a selfie of me in my workout outfit and show my non-existent muscles. I have always been attuned to being fit and over the years I have realized the importance of being healthy inside...
When I visited Turkey last year, one of the things I really wanted to do was watch/participate in a sema. I was fascinated with the image of the whirling dervishes who went into a trance during sema sessions. I wanted to feel that energy or at least witness it for myself. But as life goes,...
I was looking forward to having a nice lunch out on the first day of the new year. I also had Project 365 on my mind, and I was keeping my eyes peeled to capture anything that went with the theme for today (as per a calendar guide I downloaded to prompt me in case...
What is it about the ending of a year that makes you think of all the things you want to do and don’t want to do? Why can’t we resolve to get fit or start painting classes somewhere in the middle of the year? After all, isn’t time a continuum? We attribute an end and...
When someone asks me what is my favourite country in the world, my reply comes in a beat. China. Eyes widen, eyebrows raise in surprise. Why would I love a place that plays ‘sly games’ with India? A place which cripples you completely if you don’t know Mandarin? And, of course, a place where people...
Slow. That’s the first word that comes to my mind when I think of Laos. Slow. Languid. Time standing still. I spent three to four days in Luang Prabang, a tiny town with one main road and a handful of arterial roads. To revive myself and make time move faster I rented a bicycle and...
Like all serious travellers and photographers, I too have a hard disk chock full of images packed into folders that are delightfully building up. I love wandering into these digital suitcases of memories and browsing through the photos. Every time I do that, I remember a long forgotten moment and very soon am back in...
Rain. The very word has so many emotions attached to it. Rain can be soothing, peaceful, destructive, sorrowful, melancholic. It can be hard, soft, gentle, forceful. Rain is like a moody character in a modernist play. Like a lot of people, I enjoy the company of rain when am indoors sitting by the window with...