
The house I visited today had a small area allocated to the Brahma Rakshas. While I had heard of it, I wasn’t really sure of what a Brahma Rakshas was. But this little raised platform surrounded by a thick grove fascinated me. The place around it was somehow atmospheric. It wore a desolate but well-kept...
A nest hangs just outside the window of the front room. Its residents are two tiny sunbirds waiting for their parents to come with food. I stood watching in the mellow morning sun as the young ones waited patiently, and the father, in all his resplendent colours came fluttering with food in his mouth. He...
How many times do we reminisce about childhood summers spent climbing trees, picking mangoes, and licking the sweet, sticky juice off those fruits? Today I got to relive a sliver of it when I helped pluck fresh green mangoes from the tree in my in-laws’ house. I stood in the brilliant, golden sunshine soaking in...
The dark has always been associated with negativity, bad energies, and everything that’s not really good for you. But there are some things dark that are not only good for you but also act like a serious dose of sunshine on a gloomy day. For me, that’s a big chunk of dark chocolate. It elevates...
The first thing that came to my mind with today’s theme was not the ailment but the weather. Being in Dublin, cold is not just the weather but almost the voice in your head. It chills your skin and touches you to the bone. But despite being so cold it doesn’t snow. Sometimes I wish...
Blue. Should be one of the easiest themes to shoot, right? Well, not when you are in an airport or airplane the whole day, I thought. I was also a bit annoyed with myself because I had forgotten to ask for my preferred aisle seat when I was checking in. I ended up getting the...
This was tough. I find so many things magical but they are mostly so difficult to portray. Then, I remembered this little tree-island near my apartment. It’s difficult to believe that this grove-like place exists right in the middle of three roads with cars whooshing by it every second. Every time I pass by I...
I couldn’t think beyond coffee for today’s theme. Mugs of hot chocolate and glasses of mulled wine did swirl around for a short while but I kept returning to coffee. Maybe because coffee is akin to comfort for me. From the time I can remember, I have woken up to the smell of fresh filter...
For today’s theme, I didn’t want to take a picture of the usual fruits or multi-grain foods or running shoes. Or a selfie of me in my workout outfit and show my non-existent muscles. I have always been attuned to being fit and over the years I have realized the importance of being healthy inside...
When I visited Turkey last year, one of the things I really wanted to do was watch/participate in a sema. I was fascinated with the image of the whirling dervishes who went into a trance during sema sessions. I wanted to feel that energy or at least witness it for myself. But as life goes,...

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Wonderer. Wanderer. Welcome to my blog about books, movies, tv series, travel, and well… everything else that catches my fancy 🙂

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