
Coffee was an essential part of my childhood. My earliest memories include waking up to the rich aroma of filter coffee in the mornings. Being given black coffee in a mini steel tumbler whenever I came down with a fever. My grandmother firmly believed that drinking a shot of black coffee with a pinch of...
This latest trip was long due. Well, by my standards. Its been more than five months since I went anywhere and the travel bug had started biting badly. So here I am in Vientiane, the capital of Laos, which most people mistake for Lagos in Nigeria. A sleepy town, its hard to believe that its...
Vietnamese coffee was one of the best I ever tasted. They give two different concoctions – one with milk and one without milk. My favorite was the milky one sweetened with condensed milk, I gulped a lot of cups/glasses during my visit!

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Wonderer. Wanderer. Welcome to my blog about books, movies, tv series, travel, and well… everything else that catches my fancy 🙂

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