
Food & Drink
Coffee was an essential part of my childhood. My earliest memories include waking up to the rich aroma of filter coffee in the mornings. Being given black coffee in a mini steel tumbler whenever I came down with a fever. My grandmother firmly believed that drinking a shot of black coffee with a pinch of...
It was the eve of St. Patrick’s Day here in Dublin. There was a buzz in the air as it was the beginning of a long weekend. Pubs were overflowing, more than usual, with people and drink. Hordes of tourists descend on the city every year to witness the colourful, week-long celebrations for Paddy’s Day....
Pubs and bars are generally seen as crowded, smoke-filled places where you elbow your way in, get a drink, and then elbow your way out. However, living in Dublin has taught me that, that’s not all there is to these establishments. There are the bars or pubs that you go to for a quick drink...

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Wonderer. Wanderer. Welcome to my blog about books, movies, tv series, travel, and well… everything else that catches my fancy 🙂

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