
Swati Nair
Sunrise and sunsets are as common as breathing. There is a certain comfort in knowing that the sun will rise and set every day without fail. It’s the rhythm of life. But somehow they are glorified when on vacation (I have seen many a beautiful sunset right outside my apartment). When Smits prompted me to...
Ah yes. I know this has been a long time coming. Life got in the way too many times with more travel, work, friendships, family, you name it. I have also been lazy, I can’t blame it all on these harmless forces now, can I? And now to Singapore. The next two or three days...
The Drunken Botanist by Amy Stewart It’s been ages since I wrote a book review. Save for the teeny two sentences on Goodreads, I haven’t been doing much writing recently. Probably because I have been drunk on life in a good and bad way. Highs and lows one after the other have kept me distracted....
Top Five Bizarre Sights I’ve Seen Around the World We have all had bizarre and crazy experiences at some point during our travels that tend to leave lasting impressions. I have had my share in various ways – food, culture, eye-watering sights – and I thought it might be fun to try and put down...
I have one copy of Helen Maryles Shankman’s brilliant book of collected stories named “They Were Like Family To Me” to giveaway! All you have to do is comment on this post with the name of one book that has left an imprint in your memory and why. I will pick one lucky winner who...
I am on a racism roll since the past two weeks. Don’t get me wrong. Last week, I finished reading Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah, the day before yesterday I saw the movie American History X, and today I wrapped up The Monster’s Daughter by Michelle Pretorius, a racing historical thriller. All of them were wonderfully wrought,...
It’s been over a month since I did anything on my website and I hadn’t even realised it! Until I remembered that I still hadn’t written my Singapore travelogue. I have really happy memories of the first one but thanks to my laziness they are only blurred outlines that continue to melt with the passage...
I love animals. I had a rabbit and some goldfish earlier, and now I have a dog. I find animals to be great companions, and such a comfort when you are down. So, when Lisa at TLC Book Tours asked me if I could review Lynne Hugo’s Remember My Beauties, a short but intense novel...
Someone once asked me what exactly I looked for in a book. It was a difficult question to answer because a book can have so many aspects I like and yet not end up liking it on the whole. At the time, I said that the story is one of the things that really matters...
Books have been a big part of my life since childhood. The earliest memory I have of reading a book is when I was around five or six-years-old. It was a small collection of short stories for children; a collection, I suspect, I still have somewhere in the dark reaches of my groaning bookshelves. My...
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