
The Drunken Botanist by Amy Stewart It’s been ages since I wrote a book review. Save for the teeny two sentences on Goodreads, I haven’t been doing much writing recently. Probably because I have been drunk on life in a good and bad way. Highs and lows one after the other have kept me distracted....
I love animals. I had a rabbit and some goldfish earlier, and now I have a dog. I find animals to be great companions, and such a comfort when you are down. So, when Lisa at TLC Book Tours asked me if I could review Lynne Hugo’s Remember My Beauties, a short but intense novel...
Someone once asked me what exactly I looked for in a book. It was a difficult question to answer because a book can have so many aspects I like and yet not end up liking it on the whole. At the time, I said that the story is one of the things that really matters...
Writing a book is not as easy as an accomplished writer makes it out to be. Months of research, sometimes years, combined with an eye for detail and a knack for personalizing stories in lucid language certainly form the foundations of good writing. This is what I was thinking as I flipped the last page...

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Wonderer. Wanderer. Welcome to my blog about books, movies, tv series, travel, and well… everything else that catches my fancy 🙂

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