
And on the right are all the different flavors for the bubble tea.
On the left shelf are stocked all the fruits and additions and flavors for the yoghurt.
The lady at the Bubble Tea shop also sells this concoction. It’s something like plain yoghurt, topped with fruits and nuts. Delicious!
This is the menu at the Bubble Tea Shop. There are 2 different glass sizes, like a coffee shop. I always take the smaller one, which is big enough for me.
Finally, the Bubble Tea that all you people have been asking me about. Bubble Tea is called chenju nai cha in Chinese and is a favorite with young and old alike. I think this was a chocolate flavored version, I don’t remember. This big glass of milk tea costs 2.5 RMB, which is roughly, Rs....
Inside, there was a small show going on. These small girls were dressed in saris and the presenter was talking about Indian dressing. I assume. I guess even the little girl here finds the sari, even though here it’s just a wraparound, annoying!
  A few weeks back I visited this Japanese supermarket named Ito Yokado. It had an Indian Festival going on, and I was curious to investigate. I didn’t know what the festival was all about, I had just seen the huge banner on top when I passed by in a bus.
This was another stall with lots of different animal parts. Heaven for meat lovers!
  Can you make out the pig’s face, carved out so neatly? This is the sight that greeted me at one of the shops on a college trip to Qingcheng Back Mountain. So what I heard before was right, people do indeed eat pig faces!
This is what the temple is named after. Qing Yang Gong, means the temple of the green ram and it has a history dating back more than a 1,000 years.
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Wonderer. Wanderer. Welcome to my blog about books, movies, tv series, travel, and well… everything else that catches my fancy 🙂

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