That was the question that came to my mind when I got the word “surrender” as a prompt for my next post. The word has an aura of negativity to it, bringing to mind unwilling sacrifices and actions done grudgingly. But to me, it was just confusion over what to choose from all the good things in life. I am not religious so it’s not God. My friends might immediately say chocolate. My parents might say travel. My extended family might say books and photography. But I couldn’t pick one and agree with it. I mulled over it for more than two days and gave up on choosing one. Was it coffee then? Running? Solitude? That’s when I realized that my answer was in my plurality. I love all of the above. And more.

That’s when I realized that my answer was in my plurality. I love all of the above. And more. Everytime I read a book, I give in to the pleasure of reading a story, having my eyes glide over the page, looking up words not known to me. Everytime I travel, I surrender to the pleasure of discovery. Chocolates make me close my eyes as the bittersweet (only dark chocolates get that reaction) smoothness washes over my tongue. So on and so forth. Every time I do something I love, I am surrendering to the moment.  Giving myself the luxury of indulgence, even if for a few seconds, every time I go running, click a snap, drink coffee. I own that slice in time and I can say I am the richer by giving in. Surrendering is not all that bad, see?

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2 Responses
  1. Boy

    And thats an amazing outcome, I personally believe. Why limiting yourself to one, when you feel you surrender to many. Glad to have read your article.

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