Verseday: Late February by Ted Kooser

Verseday: Late February by Ted Kooser

Europe is in the grip of a heightened cold snap due to a Siberian freeze that’s bringing with it numbing winds and snow. Dublin is feeling it too. February is supposed to be the month when spring begins in Ireland. I am only now beginning to see signs of it when I spotted the first brave cherry blossoms yesterday. So, here is a poem by Pulitzer Prize winner and former Poet Laureate Ted Kooser where he describes the landscape in late February. My favourite lines were

by five o’clock 
the chill of sundown, 
darkness, the blue TVs 
flashing like storms 
in the picture windows


That’s such a perfect image in verse. I also liked his juxtaposition of death and life, in the end, perhaps signifying the end of a life-numbing Winter and the beginning of life-inducing Spring. Enjoy reading this poem!

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