How is it that most times the freshest vegetables are found on the roadside? Bangalore has many uber cool supermarkets with vegetable sections…

that are carefully maintained with refrigeration. But I have been disappointed more than once. The coriander looks droopy and brown, the bananas look black and lifeless and the tomatoes seem all pulpy and juiced out. On the other side of the spectrum is K R Market. One of Bangalore’s oldest markets selling everything from flowers to fruits. Crowded, dusty and hot. The vegetables and fruits are laid out in baskets on the pavement and customers jostle to pick the greenest and the plumpest. The coriander is sprightly, the tomatoes a fiery red and the bananas are spotless. Is that the secret? To keep the vegetables exposed to natural elements and not constrain them to the confines of plastic or cling film? Perhaps all they need is the space. We are the same too.


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