
project 365
Blue. Should be one of the easiest themes to shoot, right? Well, not when you are in an airport or airplane the whole day, I thought. I was also a bit annoyed with myself because I had forgotten to ask for my preferred aisle seat when I was checking in. I ended up getting the...
This was tough. I find so many things magical but they are mostly so difficult to portray. Then, I remembered this little tree-island near my apartment. It’s difficult to believe that this grove-like place exists right in the middle of three roads with cars whooshing by it every second. Every time I pass by I...
I couldn’t think beyond coffee for today’s theme. Mugs of hot chocolate and glasses of mulled wine did swirl around for a short while but I kept returning to coffee. Maybe because coffee is akin to comfort for me. From the time I can remember, I have woken up to the smell of fresh filter...
For today’s theme, I didn’t want to take a picture of the usual fruits or multi-grain foods or running shoes. Or a selfie of me in my workout outfit and show my non-existent muscles. I have always been attuned to being fit and over the years I have realized the importance of being healthy inside...
When I visited Turkey last year, one of the things I really wanted to do was watch/participate in a sema. I was fascinated with the image of the whirling dervishes who went into a trance during sema sessions. I wanted to feel that energy or at least witness it for myself. But as life goes,...
I was looking forward to having a nice lunch out on the first day of the new year. I also had Project 365 on my mind, and I was keeping my eyes peeled to capture anything that went with the theme for today (as per a calendar guide I downloaded to prompt me in case...
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Wonderer. Wanderer. Welcome to my blog about books, movies, tv series, travel, and well… everything else that catches my fancy 🙂

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