Ok am seriously convinced the weather here has Multiple Personality Disorder. Gone are sunny days and it’s rain again. Today morning it was around 9 degrees C. Probably I sound a bit too obsessed with the weather but then the changes are so erratic I can’t help wincing each time it suddenly changes from T-storms to sunshine. Yesterday Shanghai and Triny were watching the weather report on Fox News Chicago. Its hosted by an aptly named woman – Amy Freeze. She has forecast everything from hailstorms to rain after Friday, which she has described as ‘slightly cool weather.’ Isn’t it more like freezing?

Anyway, I will not mention weather again for some time. I found a big microwavable bowl on one of the shelves yesterday and got down to making rice immediately. My first experiment with making rice in the microwave was not too successful but it was eatable. I mixed in the puliyogare paste that K/G had got and kept it aside for lunch. But by lunch time today, its flavor had gone off, probably because the rice had not been done well. Oh well, learn from mistakes. So today I have more of an idea on how much water to put in the rice and how much rice to measure out and how much time it should be cooked. Hopefully it will come out better today.

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