What does the word ‘summer’ bring to mind? Warm, fuzzy sunshine, long days, lemonade and vacations. Right? Wrong. In Chicago, summer is 13 degrees Celsius, chilly winds and a freezing lakeshore. But people still go swimming, cycling and walking around in shorts. I don’t know how. I generally have to wear a tee shirt and a sweatshirt topped off by a jacket to bury my hands in. Since the past one week I have had people tell me, “you have come just at the right time, it’s summer!” umpteen number of times. But am yet to feel it.

Even in the office I wear my cardigan. Today it was exceptionally freezing inside the office. Triny who sits right behind me too began to complain after sometime but since the temperature is centrally regulated we cannot control it. But finally we found a way. There is a small playing card like attachment that was peeping out of the vent here, marked with blue and red spots denoting cold and warm respectively. Now it’s kept to the extreme right, which is in the red. Much better than before.

Aah. Summer.

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