Sometime back I remember reading about netsukes. Drawn by their intricate carvings and plethora of depictions, I remember thinking how I would love to have one of them. The word ‘netsuke’ itself is derived from the Japanese characters “ne” and “tsuke” meaning root and attach respectively. This is what Chibi, the titular cat in Takashi...
There are books that remain with you long after you have read it. Hanya Yanagihara’s “A Little Life” for instance; a book whose characters remained with me like shadowy bedfellows for the next few days. Then there are books that you think should ideally linger with you because they deal with human suffering and important...
I have always been interested in reading the stories of immigrants. Not the ones that concern unemployment woes or social stigma, which we encounter by and large on a daily basis in the form of news. I do read those as well, of course. But I am more fascinated by the stories of people who...
Writing a book is not as easy as an accomplished writer makes it out to be. Months of research, sometimes years, combined with an eye for detail and a knack for personalizing stories in lucid language certainly form the foundations of good writing. This is what I was thinking as I flipped the last page...
Sometimes in life, we face situations which flummox us. Maybe the retelling of an incident. Maybe an explanation of some sort. They make us go, “Lord, where do I even begin?” That’s the question that’s been running through my head every time I sit down to begin reviewing “A Little Life,” the 700+ page tome...
It’s dark and gloomy. Gusty winds blowing and icy drops of rain smashing against the window. It’s only morning on a Saturday but it seems to be one that needs to be spent indoors. Familiar scene? Worry not. Just grab Sara Gruen’s “At the Water’s Edge,” and you would soon wish for more such days....