A man rests in the shade of his cart loaded with things ranging from plastics to cleanly shaved tender coconuts. I found this sight very similar to our India too except that he had neatly stacked up those coconuts too in his cart!

Carts selling street food like our chaat are not an uncommon sight. This lady was selling eggs and some other non-vegetarian delicacies.

Not exactly a cart but food nevertheless. An open air grill outside a restaurant.

An excellent way to refresh parched throats. I bought a mixed flavored milkshake from this stall and the lady was very sweet, she gave beaming smiles and posed with me for a photo too 🙂

This was a rice paper preparation. It initially had me confused. I peeled off the rice paper thinking it was some plastic wrapping and then I saw the lady who was selling this smiling at me amused. There was a boy standing there who knew some English and he made me understand that this is meant to be eaten as it is… Well it was delicious wrapped or not!

Another treat for non-vegetarians. Fried meat on sticks, I didn’t particularly find out what meat… But they were selling very fast, so I guess it must have been quite tasty.

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